Haines Huts and Trails is committed to developing and maintaining trails and public-use cabins in the Chilkat Valley. Your contribution supports the Haines quality of life, economy, and the health of our community. Thank you!


Ways to Give:

Donation form on this page:

The quickest, easiest way to support Haines Huts and Trails is to fill out the donation form on the right side of this page, or to sign up for an annual HHT membership.

Mail a Check

To donate to Haines Huts and Trails via mail, please click the link below and fill out the corresponding form.

Mail to:

Haines Huts and Trails

PO Box 501

Haines, AK 99827


Pick.Click.Give. enables Alaskans to donate a portion of their Permanent Fund Dividend to causes they care about, like Haines Huts and Trails. PFD applications are available from January 1 to March 31, though Alaskans may choose to add or adjust their pledges online through August 31.


Help support our cause
